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为及时掌握领海基点及其标志建设、领海基点海岛开发利用以及领海基点海岛周边海域生态环境等状况,文章采用卫星影像、无人机航摄和现场巡查相结合的监测方式,对浙江省领海基点海岛标志、地形地物、植被、地质灾害、人类活动、开发利用状况和周边海域生态环境进行监测和分析。研究结果表明:浙江省领海基点海岛保护状况总体较好,周边海域海水符合第一类和第二类海水水质标准,地形地貌无明显变化;部分领海基点海岛出现海蚀崖、海蚀沟和岩体裂缝并有海钓活动痕迹,部分领海基点方位点标志碑由于风暴浪的冲击存在局部损毁的现象。后续应对损毁领海基点方位点标志碑开展整修和维护工作;对已发生和可能发生的崩塌和滑坡等地质灾害进行常态化监测;在掌握海岛生态系统现状的基础上建立评估机制,开展海岛生态系统健康评估;积极与利益相关部门开展联系和沟通,形成领海基点海岛保护协调制度;进一步加强对领海基点海岛保护的宣传工作。  相似文献   
文章以landsat5和landsat8的遥感影像为数据源,运用ESRI和ARCGIS等软件对广东省2006—2015年的海岸线进行提取,并对围填海信息的类型和面积进行统计分析,在此基础上对广东省围填海的地理空间分布进行分析探讨,研究表明广东省在10年间围填海面积增加了94.936 km2,主要用途为城镇建设和养殖用海,围填海的区域主要集中在珠三角地区,占了整个广东省围填海面积的近60%。  相似文献   
针对圆筒型海上储油装置FPSO垂荡运动性能较差、无法安装干式井口的问题,设计了带延伸筒体与矩形阻尼结构的圆筒型FPSO,根据延伸筒体与矩形阻尼结构是否通海分为两种型式。建立水动力计算模型,比较分析不同延伸筒体和阻尼结构型式对FPSO水动力性能的影响。针对南海作业海域,设计了悬链式系泊系统,基于JONSWAP波浪谱对FPSO的运动进行时域预报,并对系泊系统进行校核。分析结果表明:通海型FPSO垂荡固有周期显著提升,可以错开南海百年一遇谱峰周期,通海型FPSO满足钻井、安装干式井口的运动响应要求,系泊系统系缆张力满足规范要求。  相似文献   
基于Fluent流体计算平台,运用大涡模拟方法对亚临界雷诺数Re=3900下“X”形排列五圆柱体结构群三维绕流特性进行研究,主要分析来流攻角α与间距比L/D两个关键参数对五圆柱体结构群的尾流区三维涡结构演化与流体力系数的影响,并揭示其内在流动互扰机理。研究表明:来流攻角和间距比的变化对五圆柱体结构群流动控制及互扰效应的影响显著。在小间距比工况下,观察到柱体群间隙区域内流体高速流动的现象,导致五圆柱体之间的互扰作用十分强烈。间隙流对中间圆柱体和下游圆柱体有较强的冲击作用,对其表面的流体力分布特性有显著的影响。另外,大间距比工况下,当α=0°与L/D≥5.0工况时,柱体群尾流效应强于其间隙流效应。当α=22.5°与L/D=7.0时,位于下游与中间处的圆柱体流体绕流特性存在较大差异。而当α=45°与L/D≥6.0时,位于上游与中间处的圆柱体尾流区均会产生正负交替的漩涡结构。  相似文献   
为解决现有深水连接器连接性能研究中力学分析建模不准确,且缺乏抗弯抗扭能力分析的问题,基于ABAQUS有限元分析软件对深水连接器进行三维模型动态仿真分析,对连接器的受力、密封性能以及在实际工程需求中不同内压下的抗弯及抗扭性能进行深入研究。结果表明:在安装及生产两种工况下,深水连接器各部件除密封环外受力均满足其强度设计要求,密封环接触表面发生合理塑性变形,满足密封要求;随着内压的增加,深水连接器的抗弯能力逐渐下降,抗扭能力则呈现增加的趋势;极限弯矩分别在0 MPa与35 MPa内压下的判定依据为密封失效,在14 MPa与52 MPa内压下的判定依据为下毂座屈服,而极限扭矩在不同内压下的判定依据均为密封失效。  相似文献   
随着海上风能的开发向深水发展,支撑风机的载体平台越来越受到关注。在经济性与安全性、稳定性的多重要求下,张力腿平台(TLP)在海洋风能资源的开发中体现出了重要地位。采用基于开源平台OpenFOAM开发的计算流体动力学(CFD)水动力学求解器naoe-FOAM-SJTU对一座处于中等水深下的风机基础水下TLP(STLP)的运动响应进行了数值模拟与研究。文中使用弹簧锚链模型模拟STLP的垂向系泊锁链系统,模拟该平台在不同波浪环境下的运动响应情况。首先将STLP单自由度自由衰减CFD模拟结果与已有全耦合时域分析结果进行对比,验证了naoe-FOAM-SJTU求解器及使用弹簧模型模拟STLP系泊系统的准确性与可靠性。随后在考虑非线性波浪载荷的情况下研究极端海况下与一般作业海况下STLP的运动响应情况,计算工况中的风机基础所受弯矩及锚链受力情况,并详细展示流场、速度场信息,分析高阶波浪成分、不同海况等条件对于STLP运动性能的影响。研究结果表明,TLP在中等水深中具有良好的运动性能,naoe-FOAM-SJTU求解器可以有效模拟水中生产平台在波浪环境下的水动力问题,并可以对整个流场进行可视化展示与分析。  相似文献   
在调查测量船的设计论证过程中,针对调查测量设备信息综合处理和任务指挥控制的需求,基于对调查测量船典型装备配置及能力的分析,提出了由软硬件两部分组成的调查测量信息系统,设计了由数据采集分发平台、声学同步控制模块和数据远程通信模块组成的系统硬件部分,实现了调查测量信息的集中采集、实时分发、远程传输,以及调查测量作业的同步控制,有效保证了调查测量船装备布局的统一性和科学性,为海上同步高效作业能力的生成提供了硬件保障。  相似文献   
现有铬盐生产技术阻碍了铬盐行业的清洁化发展,研发新型铬盐生产技术实属必要。中国科学院青海盐湖研究所自行研发出一套以电化学法为基础的铬盐清洁生产工艺,涵盖三条大工艺和四种母系铬盐产品。包括氢氧化钠溶液中电化学氧化铬铁制备铬酸钠联产三氧化二铬和三氧化二铁工艺,离子膜电解法从铬酸钠合成重铬酸钠工艺,以及离子膜电解法从重铬酸钠合成铬酸酐工艺。相比现有铬盐生产技术,该技术的优势主要体现在以下五点:温和化、去渣化、高值化、自动化和高效化。目前相关研发工作业已走出实验室,走过产业化中间试验,正向产业化示范线迈进。  相似文献   
Under the background of thrusting stress regime, a large number of strike-slip earthquakes occurred on the Miyaluo Fault during the Wenchuan earthquake sequence process, which is in the southern part of the Longmenshan Fault. In order to find the cause of their occurrence, stress tensors in subregions near the Miyaluo Fault are estimated. The result shows that in both north and south side of the Miyaluo Fault, the direction of principal compressive stress is nearly perpendicular to the Longmenshan Fault, and its dip is nearly horizontal, and the direction of tensile stress is nearly vertical. While in the Miyaluo fault zone, the direction of principal compressive stress is SWW-NEE, and its dip is nearly horizontal, the direction of principal tensile stress is NNW-SSE, also its dip is nearly horizontal. It is consistent with sinistral shear stress state in the Miyaluo fault zone. It was referred that the behavior of Miyaluo Fault during the Wenchuan earthquake sequence process was caused by tearing effect generated from unbalanced forces of two sides of the fault. To understand the rupture mode of the aftershocks in subregions as described above, the total seismic moment tensors are estimated by adding the corresponding component separately of the seismic moment tensor of aftershocks in each region. The result shows the similar trend of total seismic moment tensor components in the north and south side of the Miyaluo Fault(indicating the consistency of rupture mode in the north and south side of the Miyaluo Fault), and most seismic moment tensor components in the south side is higher than that in the north side, especially the compression component perpendicular to Longmenshan Fault and expansion component in the vertical direction. It indicates that thrusting component in the southeast direction in the south side is greater than that in the north side, and the thrusting difference causes the sinistral tearing effect of the Miyaluo Fault. We also find that the sinistral tearing component of the Miyaluo Fault is the same order of magnitude with the thrusting difference of its two sides, which indicates that the tearing effect of Miyaluo Fault can be completely explained by thrusting difference of its two sides. According to the analysis, we put forward the dynamic model of the Miyaluo Fault, which can explain the above phenomenon.  相似文献   
The lithological features, the types of organic matter and its occurrence and carbon and oxygen isotopic value were clarified by combining core observation, thin slice authentication, X ray diffraction analysis, kerogen type identification and carbon and oxygen isotope analysis. The characteristic of strata, the distribution of volcanoes of Junggar Basin were also taken into consideration. A comprehensive analysis was conducted to evaluate environmental response of volcanism in Lucaogou formation in Jimsar sag. The results show that rocks is a mixed sedimentation of effusive rock and carbonate rocks, volcanic materials is widely developed in Lucaogou formation and origins from the edge of sag or distant source volcano activity. Organic matter is predominantly unstructural algae and asphaltene. The carbon isotopic value of carbonates ranges between 6.8‰ and 9.7‰ with an average of 8.3‰, featured in high positive excursions, while oxygen isotopic value varies from -11.9‰ to -4.3‰ with an average of -6.2‰. During the period of volcanic activity, the volcanic material released high amounts of nutrient to the lake basin, which is beneficial to the algae and other organic organisms. In the poor oxygen and calm water environments, the organic matter is distributed in the laminar algal and the carbon isotope value is high positive drift. During the intermittent period of volcanic activity, the lake level decreased and the lake bottom water changed to the oxygen-enriched environments. The organic matter is locally enriched or dispersed in local layers, and the carbon isotope values decreased slightly. The frequent volcanic activity promoted the organism boom, which lead carbon isotope value to have high positive characteristics and change trends.  相似文献   
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